News SOA
Congratulations to Prof. Nishita Trisal! We are delighted to announce that Dr. Nishita Trisal has been awarded the prestigious Wenner-Gren Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship. This fellowship supports her work on completing her book, Banking on Uncertainty: Debt and Interdependence in Kashmir.
Congratulations to Prof. Amita Baviskar! We are delighted to announce that the second edition of Dr. Amita Baviskar’s acclaimed book, Uncivil City: Ecology, Equity, and the Commons in Delhi, is now available. This work continues to offer profound insights into the intersections of urban ecology and social equity in Delhi. You can learn more about the new edition through the publisher’s announcement here.
Congratulations to Prof. Swargajyoti Gohain! We are delighted to announce and celebrate the remarkable achievements of Dr. Swargajyoti Gohain, whose insightful research continues to make waves in the academic community. Earlier this year, Prof. Gohain co-authored two impactful articles that shed light on critical sociopolitical and ecological issues in the Himalayan borderlands: Black-necked Crane as Border Object: Interspecies Politics in Himalayan Borderlands and The Buddhist epistemic complex: refiguring Buddhist territoriality in the Himalayan borderlands.
Congratulations to PhD student E.P. Sarfras! We are delighted to share that E.P. Sarfras’s review has been published in the Society for the Anthropology of Work. You can read the review here.
Congratulations to PhD student Kriti Sharma! We are delighted to share that Kriti Sharma’s review has been published on Somatosphere. You can read the review here.