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Amin A. Nizami

Assistant Professor of Physics, Ashoka University

Ph.D. University of Cambridge

Amin received his PhD in Theoretical Physics from the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge. His research interests include various aspects of quantum field theory (with a focus on conformal field theory), quantum many body theory and quantum information.

After obtaining his BSc in Physics (with Mathematics and Statistics) from AMU, Aligarh, India, he completed a Masters in Theoretical Physics from the University of Cambridge. Prior to joining Ashoka, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS-TIFR).

An abiding research interest of mine has been Conformal Field Theory (CFT).  CFTs are special quantum field theories (QFTs) possessing scale invariance. They arise as fixed points of Renormalisation Group flow in the space of general QFTs. Because of the enhanced symmetries, and the existence of structures like the Operator Product Expansion, it  is possible to constrain/classify possible CFTs using consistency conditions such as crossing symmetry, unitarity and causality – this is the conformal bootstrap program. CFTs also find wide applicability in various areas of theoretical physics including cosmology, particle physics, holography, condensed matter and statistical physics. I have recently worked on momentum space correlators in 3d CFTs. I am also interested in exploring its connections to cosmological correlators.

Recent publications

  • Higher spin 3-point functions in 3d CFT using spinor-helicity variableswith S. Jain, R. R. John, A. Mehta and A. Suresh, published in Journal of High Energy Physics, JHEP 09(2021)041. 
  • Double Copy structure of parity-violating 3d CFT correlators, with S. Jain,R. R. John, A. Mehta and A. Suresh, JHEP 07(2021)033.
  • Momentum space parity-odd CFT 3-point functions, with S. Jain, R. R. John, A. Mehta and A. Suresh, JHEP 08(2021)089.
  • Superconformal invariants and spinning correlators in 3d N=2 SCFTs, with PhD student Aditya Jain. [European Physical Journal C, EPJC 82 (2022) 11, 1065]

I am also interested in topics in quantum many body theory such as quantum chaos. Recent work here includes studies of K-complexity and quantum chaos in Floquet systems:

  • Krylov construction and complexity for driven quantum systems, with Ankit W. Shrestha (UG 4th year student) [2023, Phys. Rev. E 108, 054222]
  • Spread complexity and quantum chaos for periodically driven spin-chains, with Ankit W. Shrestha [arXiv:quant-ph/2405.16182]
  • Quantum chaos measures for Floquet dynamics, Amin A. Nizami [arXiv: quant-ph/2007.07283]

Publications (Inspire)

I do not intend to take PhD or UG project (ASP) or summer internship students in 2024.

Research Experience

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, (2014-2018) International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS-TIFR).
  • PhD (2010-2014), DAMTP, University of Cambridge.

Graduate (PhD) level

Undergraduate level

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka