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Archana Rath

YIF Class of 2022

B.Tech Biomedical Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

On a well-trodden path with a corporate job and MBA preparation, Archana realized that a sense of satisfaction and enjoyment were amiss. To satiate her hunger to know more about the world and other aspects of life brings her to the YIF. As someone who finds an outlet in all kinds of art forms, she loves to dance, sing, paint and also learn new skills every day. A sportsman since her school days, she has played Kho-Kho at the National Level and has also played inter college/corporate level badminton, basketball, cricket and football. She might seem like an introverted person at the beginning but will shower anyone who takes the first step of saying hi, with a huge smile and lots of chatter.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka