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Shah Faisal Mushtaq

YIF Class of 2021

B.Tech Civil Engineering
SSM College of Engineering and Technology, Srinagar

Shah Faisal Mushtaq, often going by his pseudonym Faisal Fehmi is a young poet from Kashmir. He is an engineer by qualification and a philosopher-poet by choice. He is traditional in his approach to poetry yet modern in his thoughts.

Although coming from an Engineering background, his vested interest in art, language and literature led him to quit engineering and pursue his lifelong dream of becoming a poet. He joined the Rekhta Foundation, the largest online repository of Urdu Literature, and worked with them as a Content Creator and Social Media Executive for three years before joining the Young India Fellowship (YIF). He has been invited to perform at various cities in India and is considered by many as one of the promising upcoming poets of Urdu. Besides Urdu, he has deep interest in Philosophy and Western Literature. At YIF, he wants to explore the new dimensions of knowledge and build a bridge between the Urdu Literature and the rest of the world.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka