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Tashi Choden

YIF Class of 2024

BA History, Sherubtse College, Trashigang

Tashi hails from the small Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan. She is an active volunteer and leader in her community and is a staunch advocate of women empowerment, violence against children, and menstruation. In her leisure time, she can be seen traveling and cooking for her loved ones. She enjoys conversations on sociology and Buddhist philosophy. The local monastery in her community holds a special place in her heart, where she can be seen engaging in the smallest of  kitchen work to teaching English to the monks. The YIF presents Tashi the perfect platform to broaden her knowledge of the world by meeting people with diverse experiences and by delving into unfamiliar subjects!  She aims to build a strong foundation for her future and enhance her personal growth.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka
