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Along with various departments for sciences and social sciences, Ashoka has dedicated centers that undertake innovative research and collaborative academic programmes.  These special centers encourage learning and research beyond the four walls of conventional academic procedure of teaching and research.

Research Facilities

Ashoka University provides appropriate facilities for research ranging from single-molecule studies to biomolecule and organismal studies. Our laboratories for undergraduates are completely equipped with advanced instrumentation that promotes unique open scientific culture. Ashoka has an ‘open lab’ culture that follows no boundaries between individual labs. This further inculcates scientific and intellectual interactions amongst academic researchers that paves way to collaborative approaches to address various scientific questions.

The insect facility is equipped with rearing and growth chambers, microscope stations for sorting and typing insects, piped CO2 plate anesthesia dissection and electrophysiology rigs. Dedicated fly-lab facility is also available with all required infrastructure.

The fish facility facilitates the work of researchers who wish to utilize fish as a model for any kind of research pertaining to daily care of animals, aquarium system and marine life. 

Plant research facility at Ashoka has an environmentally controlled greenhouse (fan and pad cooling system) and a shade house along with plant growth chambers. The plant facility provides all materials required for undergraduate experiments and research with different plant and insect species. Ashoka’s  animal tissue culture lab is equipped with CO2 Incubator, BSL-2 Cabinets, Inverted Microscopes, High-Speed Centrifuge and all necessary facility for research.

The labs are fully equipped with advanced instruments for analytical and imaging facilities including Real – Time PCR, preparative Instrumentation Facility, High – Speed Centrifuge,  growth Chamber, FCS, Biosafety Cabinets, Bioanalyzer, Nanodrop, FPLC, Rotospin, Cytospin, Sonicator and UV – Crosslinkers Microscopy facilities consists of Inverted Microscope, Confocal Microscope, Stereo Microscope, FRAP and Ablation Systems, Cam, RoHS, PRIMEBSI and SCMOS. 

The Science faculty has Laser Optics Lab with Optical Breadboards with Passive Vibration isolated Support Microscope, Soft Matter Research Lab With Fluorescence Polarized Microscope, Spin-Coating and Benchtop Rubbing Machine, Noise Fundamentals Apparatus, Basic Telescope for Astrophysics activities, Dedicated Departmental Servers, High-Voltage Amplifier, Multimeter and Oscilloscope which are regularly used by students and faculty for their research. 

The University also has a fully equipped Media lab, Archeology, Psychology and EVS labs. We have also recently set up HPC clusters with in-house servers to aid in high-speed computing across disciplines.

New Upcoming Centers and Laboratories

  • The Center for Health Metrics (CHM) will focus on accurate collection, curation, analysis and reporting of health data, information and trends in India, and eventually will cover the whole of South East Asia for providing unbiased and evidence-based health trends to facilitate effective policies and enable timely and effective funding of healthcare projects.
  • Mphasis Laboratory for Applied Machine Learning aims to apply machine learning and design thinking for large societal impact and produce experiential pedagogy-based modules that allow students to reconstruct proofs-of-concept produced in the laboratory.
  • The Ashoka Centre for Translation would facilitate a culture of translation – theory and practice – as a mode of investigation and knowledge- building. 
  • The Centre for the Creative and the Critical aims to provide a forum to raise and address questions to do with both creative practice and critical argument.
  • The Trivedi School of Bioscience (https://tsb.ashoka.edu.in/) is focusing on emerging and frontier areas of Biosciences. This includes three interdisciplinary research centers – Center for Disease Biology, Center for Inflammation Biology and Center for Synthetic Biology – that will carry out cutting edge research and support the training of future leaders. 
  • The Centre for Interdisciplinary Archaeological Research aims to create a state-of-the-art facility that brings archaeology and the sciences together to offer new perspectives that will deepen the study of the Indian past.
Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka