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Health Economics

This is an elective course for students Majoring in Economics.
This course is an introduction to the field of health economics. Health economics is an active field of microeconomics with a large and growing literature and is an important aspect of public policy. The purpose of the course is to understand the microeconomic foundations of health economics and to introduce students to some key research questions and methods in health economics. The course further aims to develop an understanding of a variety of econometric techniques and research designs used by applied microeconomists focusing on causal inference to critically evaluate key research papers in health economics.

The course will cover topics such as measurement and determinants of health, health disparities, relationship between health and economic development, the need for financial risk protection against health shocks, the determinants of fertility and demographic change, economics of nutrition and human capital formation, behavioural insights in health, health and gender, economic evaluation of health and health programs.

Pre-reqs: ECO-2101 (Microeconomic Theory I), ECO-2400 (Econometrics)

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka