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Topics in Microeconomic Theory

The course will focus on issues related to Economic and Social networks.. The design of the course takes into account the fact that First year MA students will be studying game theory during this semester. Some elementary graph-theoretic concepts will also be used, but no prior knowledge will be assumed. The basic textbook for the course is

Matt Jackson : Social and Economic Networks

Students are also strongly recommended to browse through Jackson’s second book The Human Network. This is a non-technical discussion of many of the main topics of current research. I will also mention other references as we go along.

The main topics to be discussed are the following:

  1. Introduction : why study networks; graph-theoretic concepts
  1. Measures of centrality and Power
  1. Strategic Network Formation
  1. Games on Networks
  1. Learning on networks
  1. Diffusion
  1. Networks in Some Specific Contexts

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka