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Cube sum problem

Mathematics Colloquium | Somnath Jha | Oct 31st, 2023

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The classical Diophantine problem of determining which integers can be expressed as a sum of two rational cubes has a long history; it includes works of Sylvester, Selmer, Satgé, Leiman and the recent work of Alpöge-Bhargava-Shnidman-Burungale-Skinner. In this talk, we will use Selmer groups of elliptic curves and integral binary cubic forms to study some cases of the rational cube sum problem. This talk is based on joint works with D. Majumdar, P. Shingavekar and B. Sury.

About the Speaker:

Somnath Jha joined the PhD program in mathematics at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. After earning a doctorate from TIFR in 2012, he worked briefly at the University of Heidelberg and Osaka University

Prior to joining IIT Kanpur, Somnath Jha was faculty member at JNU, Delhi & IIT Goa.


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