A thesis with the Department can be of two kinds:
- Visual Arts Thesis
- Requirement for this include a concentration in Visual Arts
- The student, along with completing the thesis, will be required to take two visual arts elective courses to complete a minor in the ASP year.
- Interdisciplinary Thesis
- Such a thesis can be co-hosted by any other Department at Ashoka University along with the Visual Arts Department
- It is preferred that the student has done some visual arts gateway courses
- Home and host departments collaborating on the thesis need to be mentioned in the SOP.
The process to apply for an ASP thesis in the Department is as follows:
The student is encouraged to reach out to faculty within the Visual Art Department under whose supervision they’re interested in developing their thesis further. The student has to subsequently submit the following documents:
- Statement of Purpose: Addressing areas of research, specific set of questions; making a case for their interest in the field of visual arts; identification of the problem, its scope, the approach they’ll take. (Word limit: 500-1000 words)
- Writing Sample of about 1500-2000 words.
- Covering Letter
- Academic CV: Important areas to highlight are list of courses completed at Ashoka, extracurricular activities/achievements, internships, publications. Additionally, no personal details except the student’s name and email ID are required.
- Any other accompanying documentation such as artwork.