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21st Century Cosmology: Tensions, Anomalies and New Physics

The conference aims to highlight and discuss the recent developments in the field of theoretical and observational Cosmology as well as the outstanding problems in the field which have gained attention of the community in the recent past. We aim to highlight the following topics:
  • H0 and σ8 tensions, their plausible solutions and outstanding issues
  •  Parity violation in CMB and LSS and their implications
  • Cosmological implications of Gravitational Waves, emphasising on the detections by PTA/LIGO
  • Inflationary and non-inflationary generations of Primordial Black Holes
  • JWST new results and their cosmological implications
  • Upcoming cosmology observations like DESI/EUCLID/LSST
  • 21 cm Global Signal Experiment: scope and implications

Frontiers in Physics



Program details

Quantum Dynamics & Chaos: Modern Perspectives

The aim of this three day workshop (March 9-11, 2024) is to bring together researchers working on a diverse but connected set of topics covering quantum chaos, operator complexity and  non-equilibrium quantum dynamics.  Especially over the last decade, this subject has seen a resurgence that has led to a confluence of ideas covering quantum information, condensed matter and high energy physics.  Quantum Chaos is a focal research topic in contemporary quantum dynamics and is of relevance in investigating the physics of thermalization and quantum information scrambling, besides applications to holography and black hole physics as well as quantum condensed matter. We plan to have focused research seminars interspersed with informal discussion sessions as well as have a few longer overview/perspective talks. We hope this will lead to illuminating discussions and initiate fruitful collaborations.




CondMat@2023 is to give a conspectus of condensed matter physics (CMP) of current interest spanning both quantum and classical aspects of the field. The two-day meeting at Ashoka on Apr 1-2, 2023, will deliberate on theoretical, computational, and experimental research work. The meeting aims to interpret CMP  liberally as cond-mat concepts find applications elsewhere as much as the developments in other areas enrich the field.

Holography, Entanglement and Complexity

Theoretical physics workshop at the Department of Physics, Ashoka University (October 18-20, 2019) organised by Amin A. Nizami.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka