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Personal Digital Archives: Studying the Past in the Future | Register Now!

For the first time in human history, billions of people have the ability to collect detailed life-logs — records of […]

Law and Leviathan: Redeeming the Administrative State | Behaviourally Speaking

Overview Nations across the world are witnessing an unprecedented degree of change in various spheres. From social to political and […]

Alumna Story: Teaching Philosophy

What can one do with an Advanced Major in Philosophy? If you have ever attended one of the Philosophy Expos, you […]

Ashoka alumna wins New York Academy of Sciences’ Tracking Coronavirus Challenge

The announcement went live and simultaneously Esha received an email which adjudged the winner of theNew York Academy of Sciences’ (NYAS) Tracking […]

Arindam Chakrabarti & Vrinda Dalmiya

…Are joining the ranks of Ashoka’s Philosophy Department as Visiting Faculty. Let us briefly introduce them (in alphabetical order):  Arindam Chakrabarti is […]

Webinar | Defence Modernisation in India: Challenges and Implications | Admiral Arun Prakash | Former Indian Navy Chief

Greetings!  The Ashoka Distinguished Policy Speaker Series cordially invites you to a distinguished lecture by, Admiral Arun Prakash, Former Chief of […]

Ashoka University appoints Dr. Shahid Jameel as the Director of Trivedi School of Biosciences

Ashoka University, the leading Liberal Arts and Sciences University in India, today announced the appointment of Dr. Shahid Jameel as […]

Undergraduate Academics at Ashoka University by Prof. Jonathan Gil Harris | Register Now!

Ashoka University offers a unique opportunity to pursue Majors and Minors in it’s Undergraduate programme. This webinar will cover the […]

YSP Forum: New initiative from GESP for Adults!

This year the Office of Global Education and Strategic Programmes (GESP) delivered a very successful online YSP 2020 which saw […]

Twelve Ashoka students get selected for the prestigious Millennium Fellowship

Twelve students from Ashoka University have been selected for the prestigious Millennium Fellowship 2020. The Fellowship, a collaboration between the United Nations […]

Beyond the Classroom goes Multilingual!

‘हे सर्वत्र स्त्रियांना पुरुषांच्या तुलनेत कमी वेतन का दिले जाते?’ यासारख्या दररोजच्या प्रश्नांना उत्तर देईल असा हा सेमिनार आहे. ‘पालनपोषण […]

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka