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Spring 2025

PHI 1000 Intro to Philosophy Saran RE
PHI 1060 Symbolic Logic Siantonas RE
PHI 2180 Introduction to Philosophy of Mind Saran CC
PHI 2240 Philosophy of Science Siantonas CC
PHI 2665 Ethics and Technology Vaidyanathan CC
PHI 2109 Philosophy as a Way of Life Chaturvedi IN
PHI 3777 Ethics & Global Politics Weltman CC
PHI 3424 Body, Emotions and Politics in Spinoza Chakrabarti HW
PHI 3435 What are Thoughts, Exactly? Proposition, Judgment, and Truth from Descartes to the Present Hoeppner CC
PHI 4365 Truth and Beauty: Indian Epistemology and Aesthetics Chakrabarti IN
PHI 4487 Space, Causation, and Objectivity: Kantian Themes in Analytic Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind Hoeppner HW
PHI 4999 Capstone Thesis Weltman EO

Note: Professor Vaidyanathan teaches Mind & Behaviour and Professor Chaturvedi teaches Great Books.

Monsoon 2024

PHI 1000 Intro to Philosophy Weltman RE
PHI 1060 Symbolic Logic Siantonas RE
PHI 2005/PHI 2392 Metaphysics: Time, Change and Causation Chakrabarti CC/IN
PHI 2090/CHI 3401 Introduction to Early Chinese Philosophy Kostochka IN
PHI 2188 AI and Philosophy Siantonas CC
PHI 2730 Introduction to Ethics Vaidyanathan CC
PHI 2300 Introduction to Philosophy of Language Shahmoradi CC
PHI 2451 Early Modern Western Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind: From Descartes to Kant Hoeppner HW
PHI 2872 Philosophy of Art Chaturvedi EO
PHI 3188 / PSY 3170 Attention: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives Saran CC
PHI 3427 Nietzsche McDonald HW
PHI 3485 The Possibility of Metaphysics: Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason Hoeppner HW
PHI 3690 Death, Dying, and the Meaning of Life Shahmoradi CC
PHI 4697 Anger and Forgiveness Vaidyanathan CC
PHI 4548 Cities and Citizenship in Ancient and Renaissance Philosophy Chaturvedi HW
PHI 4999 Capstone Research Weltman EO

Note: Professors Saran, Chakrabarti, and McDonald each teach Mind & Behaviour.


Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka