This is where you find information about past, present, and future conferences and workshops organized by or with the help of the Philosophy Department.
Nov 2021: Monsoon Ashoka Philosophy Festival
On November 27, 2021, the department of Philosophy held its first Monsoon Ashoka Philosophy Festival. The idea behind this event was to showcase the research currently conducted by various faculty members at Ashoka’s Philosophy within the University and beyond. Talks were given by Prof. Dmitry Shevchenko (visiting faculty), Prof. Kathleen Harbin, Prof. Raja Rosenhagen, and Prof. Eric Snyder. Each talk was complemented by a commentary and followed by a Q&A period. Comments were offered by Prof. Alex Watson, Prof. Aditi Chaturvedi (former Ashokan, now Azim Premji University), Prof. Danny Weltman and Prof. Sharon Berry. The Festival was conducted via zoom and well-attended by participants from Ashoka and all over India.
Feb 2020: Reformed Empiricism and Its Prospects
On the Valentine’s weekend 2020, an international philosophy conference took place at the IIC Delhi labeled “Reformed Empiricism and Its Prospects.” Philosophers from the US, UK, Germany, Serbia, Korea, and India came together to discuss Anil Gupta’s most recent book, “Conscious Experience“. The conference was generously funded by Ashoka University, supported by the Philosophy Department, organized by Professor Raja, and assisted by the Departmental Manager, Manasi Thaken.
For the website of the conference, see here.
A few impressions (all and only the good photos: credit to Jishnu Ghose):
- Anil Gupta giving an overview of the book
- left: Ori Beck, right, Chris Hill enjoying the talk
Audience – 10 a.m. and not a bad turn-out at all!
Umrao Sethi defending new wave relationalism, interacting
- Apaar Kumar, presenting
- Anil Gupta, Chris Hill, Bosuk Yoon
nice break
left: Tony Cheng, right: Peter Epstein
Anil Gupta and Kranti Saran
- Miloš Vuletič
- Ashoka student Shivanshu Mishra, Alex Watson, and R. Krishnaswamy (Jindal Global University)
- Ori Beck, Professor Raja, Anil Gupta, Bosuk Yoon, Miloš Vuletič