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Internships at ACWB

Internships are a very sought after and valued engagement with the Centre as they not only offer a peak into potential career in psychology and mental health but are also hard to find in and around Delhi NCR. The Centre offers these opportunities to final year Undergraduate Psychology students within the university.

Through these internships students learn about the Centre, get training in the Gatekeeper program, engage with learning various modes of counselling used at the Centre and take up projects on advocacy and research.

The interns working with the Centre have provided us with interesting perspectives and innovative project ideas. These include advocacy around suicide, queerness and mental health, accessibility to counselling services and help seeking behavior among the students etc. Some of their researches were also able to throw light on particular mental health trends within the Ashoka community with suggestions on how to tackle them. It has been an enriching experience for both the students and ACWB team.

We have successfully completed four batches of internships so far and going forward the goal is to offer these internships to students from other disciplines as well as students from other universities.

The interns working with the Centre have provided very interesting perspectives and innovative project ideas. These include advocacy around suicide awareness, queerness and mental health, accessibility to counselling services and help seeking behavior among the students etc. Some of their researches were also able to throw light on particular mental health trends within the Ashoka community with suggestions on how to tackle them. It has been an enriching experience for both the students and the ACWB team.

ACWB hosted an internship certification distribution ceremony for the first 3 batches of interns on 2nd May 2022. These batches were run from August 21 to April 22.

Some comments from our interns:

“Overall, this internship gave me a number of valuable things: new ideas to consider, information to
remember, and avenues to explore. I am hopeful that we can continue research regarding mental
health on campus – perhaps ACWB could even develop a small department devoted to this! In any
case, I’d recommend this internship to anybody looking to reflect on their own role within the space
of mental health and wellbeing at Ashoka.”

Svasti Dutta
ASP 2021, Ashoka University
ACWB Internship Batch 1
“ACWB’s team of counselors were able to provide different perspectives and answered my theoretical
doubts and questions regarding the process of counselling based on their experience in the field
whilst working with clients, especially college students. They also informed me about the campus
protocols and essential steps taken during the case of a mental health crisis. Interacting directly with
experienced counselors allowed minimal error in communication and I was able to get an actual
glimpse into the whole planning surrounding the counselling process and the way ACWB functions.”

Ritu Hotchandani
Undergraduate class of 2022, Ashoka University
ACWB Internship Batch 2


Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka